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Cynic’s New Year” professes an ending but welcomes Horse Feathers’ fans with the promise of something new. To be sure, old friends return.
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Urban Dictionary: Eyeolating, psychic,.
Keith Moon - The WHO - Who Are You.
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Penn Jillette (pennjillette) on Twitter
Urban Dictionary: man points,.
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man points. March 25 Points that one receives upon the completion of a distinctly manly task. More often than not, intelligent points and man points are inversely
You Are Not Alone 1978
Antony and the Johnsons-You Are My Sister.
Eyeolating. February 24 When you're checking out a girl (or guy) so vigorously that you violate them. Friend: Could anyone notice me checking out that dime that
From the album "I Am A Bird Now". Transwomen = women. In your religion it is God who judges, not people. So how can you be so stern in your views.
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Urban Dictionary: man points,.
You Are Not Forgotten
Adderall when you are not add
Penn Jillette (pennjillette) on Twitter.